Minimising The Risk Of Having Your Offer Declined


Minimising The Risk Of Having Your Offer Declined.

DON'T offer the job on the spot during in a 1st interview! It looks desperate and the candidate hasn't seen enough of your company yet!

DO casually ask "what other roles are they considering?" to assess competition and to see if the interviewee is certain about what they want.

DO move quickly to 2nd and final interviews within 5-7 days.

DON'T drag your heels with your final decision - make an offer within 48 hours.

DO keep your word - if you commit to a timeline and process, then stick to it!

DON'T go in at the minimum salary level if you can help it - and offer a guaranteed increase in X time as a sweetener.

DO make a big deal of why your new hire is a brilliant fit for your company when you offer, and resell the opportunity again.

DO Invite a conversation with members of the team to cement their decision as the right one. People buy into the people they will be working with!

Hopefully, this advice with help and you will be making those job offers and guaranteeing the best talent is joining your organisation and not off to your competitor!

Contact us for more advice - | | 01189 680830 AND don't forget to follow our channel for lots more vlogs coming up!


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